It’s National Park Week!

Happy Humpday, Travelers! Did you know that this week is officially dedicated to honoring the incredible national park system in the United States? It’s true! Many parks offer discounted or free entry during National Park Week. To celebrate, here are 5 fast facts about the National Parks of the USA. Yellowstone National Park was the…

Stacy’s Letter – April 2019

Muraho, Travelers! That means “hello” in Kinyarwanda, the language of Rwanda. This month, we take a look at one of the hottest up-and-coming travel destinations today. Rwanda has an intense past and a truly impressive rise from the ashes of adversity. Check out our infographic about the nation of Rwanda and some of the unique…

Spotlight on Rwanda

From the allure of gorillas in lush and mysterious forests to the inspirational movement of cultural growth, Rwanda has so much to offer that it’s quickly becoming one of the most appealing destinations on the planet! Discover some of the history, both wild and human, behind this incredible nation in this infographic.

Eye on Conservation – Gorillas

Perhaps no primate has captured the imagination of humans so much as the gorilla. With their raw power, keen intelligence, and heartbreaking vulnerability. Our infographic explores the ins and outs of gorilla life and how you can get involved in ensuring that their communities remain protected.

Happy National Pet Day from Classic Escapes!

Anyone who has visited our office in NYC knows that the staff here at Classic Escapes is a pet-happy group of people. For National Pet Day 2019, we’d like to introduce you to some of our sidekicks in honor of all they do to brighten our lives! Stacy – President & CEO Pets – Raj…

Stacy’s Letter – March 2019

Howdy, Travelers! Spring has finally arrived! We hope you’re enjoying the slowly thawing temperatures, the tinkling sound of spring showers, and anticipating the gardens and wildflowers that will soon be blooming around us all. As we transition between the crisp and stark beauty of winter to the flourishing green of mid-year, the destination that we…

Spotlight on Alberta, Canada

Discover a place that highlights the vibrancy of every season of the year in new and beautiful ways, from the snowy peaks and ski slopes of winter to the sprawling color and beauty of spring.

Wildlife of the Rocky Mountains

Stretching from the southwestern plains of the United States up into the Arctic Ocean, the Rocky Mountains are home to some of the most diverse and impressive creatures on the planet. Take a look at some of the superstars among them in this month’s conservation feature.

Five Fast Facts About Polar Bears

Happy International Polar Bear Day, travelers! How much do you know about the snow white bears who live in some of the coldest temperatures on Earth? Three of our team members here at Classic Escapes have had the good fortune of seeing polar bears up close and personal. Lori saw them from a tundra vehicle,…

Stacy’s Letter – February 2019

¡Hola, Travelers! Is it spring yet? Here in the office we are anxious for warmer weather and some brave little sprouts of green to show up around the city. Snowstorms and hot cocoa have their place, but we’re more than ready for straw hats and Easter eggs and our yearly Classic Escapes potluck! For those…

Fun Facts about the Amazon Rainforest

The largest rainforest on Earth is a marvel of nature. Its powerful central river system gives life to its unmatched wealth of endemic species. Its bounty of resources have become a part of every day life in the western world. It is both mysterious and familiar, with many treasures still hiding under its canopy.

Spotlight on Colombia

Columbia is full of great scenery, history culture and amazing cuisine! Learn about the Amazon, the Andes, Cocora Valley, Colombian cuisine, something called the “River of Five Colors,” Tayrona National Park, the city of Bogota and more…